Our work

We have very ambitious goals

Normalise plantbased diets

In order for the way we feed ourselves to be future-proof, we believe it is possible and necessary to put plant-based protein sources back at the base of the food pyramid, just as the Mediterranean diet originally envisioned.

Fight against discrimination

We want to remove discrimination and economic, social and regulatory obstacles that prevent part of the population from enjoying plant-based foods or limit the space for the diffusion of alternative proteins.

Future-proof public policies

We want to obtain new regulations and public policies that facilitate the transition to a food system that keeps pace with the challenges of the future, based on plants but also open to alternative protein sources.

How we achieve these goals

Fighting fake news

It is essential to restore trust in science by combating misinformation about plant-based diets and promoting accurate, evidence-based information. Through educational campaigns, the involvement of experts and the strategic use of social networks, we want to ensure that the public can make informed and conscious choices.

In addition, it is essential to update the nutritional guidelines for mass catering so that plant-based options become the norm, while ensuring that individual choices are respected and there is no discrimination.

Work with institutions

For millennia, the human diet was predominantly based on plant foods, until the introduction of intensive livestock farms during the twentieth century provided access to affordable meat, causing its consumption to skyrocket.

This has resulted in negative effects on both health and the environment, which we are only now beginning to fully realize.

Acting at the institutional level, we want to put things back on track by supporting the evolution of laws, making possible a food system based on more ethical and sustainable production. The first step is to divert direct and indirect subsidies that currently support intensive livestock farms to grassroots agriculture and local varieties intended for the production of food for direct human consumption.

Strategic litigation

Everyone should have a full right to the choice of plant-based food, not only in their own private sphere but also within public and private catering.

Based on the principle of non-discrimination, we intend to strive to remove any obstacle that prevents or makes it excessively complex to choose a plant-based diet. This also includes the absence of sufficient and nutritionally adequate options, which in fact restrict options for those who use canteens.

Coalition building

We are active in building a network of allies, including health professionals and environmental organizations, to strengthen our commitment to promoting real change in public policy and consumer behavior.

A future-proof food system requires profound cultural change, institutional support and collective action. Only by working together can we build a future in which food is a source of health and well-being for all, while respecting our planet.


This project is just beginning but we are already planning so many actions and need the widest possible support to carry them out.

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