REFOOD aims to accelerate the transition to a healthier, fairer and more sustainable food system, based on plants.
Through education and dissemination, we challenge the dominant narrative in favor of meat, so that health, environment and ethics are placed at the center of public policies related to food.
Our top priorities
Normalize Plant-Based Diets
In order for the way we feed ourselves to be future-proof, we believe it is possible and necessary to put plant-based protein sources back at the base of the food pyramid, just as the Mediterranean diet originally envisioned.
Fight against discrimination
We want to remove discrimination and economic, social and regulatory obstacles that prevent part of the population from enjoying plant-based foods or limit the space for the diffusion of alternative proteins.
Future-proof public policies
We want to obtain new regulations and public policies that facilitate the transition to a food system that keeps pace with the challenges of the future, based on plants but also open to alternative protein sources.
Support REFOOD
We need your support to inspire real change toward healthier and more sustainable food in the greatest number of people, and put this issue at the center of political action as well.
Let's keep
in touch
Sign up for REFOOD's newsletter to receive the latest news and updates on our campaigns. The English newsletter is sent every three months.
Q By now there is little doubt that a diet low in meat and rich in vegetables is better for keeping us healthy. W
Q I have adopted a vegetarian diet and recommend it as an anti-cancer dietary measure. W
Q I can't imagine eating meat from animals coming from intensive farming, where they are no longer animals but meat machines. W