

We are an interdisciplinary team of doctors, lawyers, health and nutrition experts. One lowest common denominator: passion for the truth, which translates into the highest commitment to quality, scientifically accurate information without slogans or catchphrases. 

Paola Sobbrio

PhD and lawyer

Since 2005, I have been a university lecturer on legislation and bioethics in undergraduate, master’s and doctoral schools. Since 2010, for scientific research purposes, I have delved into the area of biotechnology in the food sector with a focus on GMOs and cultured meat for both regulatory and bioethical aspects. I have authored scholarly publications in national and international journals and monographic volumes on the relationship between law and ethics in reference to “animal welfare” policies and regulations. I am a member of the Scientific Committee of Effective Altruism Italy.  I serve as project manager for Refood.

Alessandro Ricciuti


Attentive since high school to issues of active citizenship, social justice and substantive equity, I have never stopped taking part in a series of grassroots mobilizations on the issues that are closest to my heart.
Since the beginning, I have put my profession at the service of the causes I believe in, convinced that it is necessary to be personally committed to the ethical progress of society.
For REFOOD, I handle institutional relations and follow the development of legal actions.

Noemi D'Alessandro

Social Media Strategist

Passionate about marketing and digital communication since 2016, I decided to devote my skills to innovative and challenging projects, convinced that effective communication is the key to promoting societal change.
Through my work, I strive to support projects and organizations that share these values, helping to create impactful campaigns that can truly make a difference.
Always looking for new ideas and inspiration, I put creativity and analysis at the heart of my work.
For REFOOD, I am in charge of digital strategies and social media communication.

Alessandro Attino

Food Scientist

A graduate in Food Science and Technology, I have focused my study and research activities on plant-based fermented dairy alternatives and sustainable food systems.
I work as an agri-food consultant for companies and restaurant operations.
I am also involved in outreach, being one of the founders of Pugliaveg, a project created with the intention of enhancing and increasing plant-based and cruelty-free culture in Puglia.

Sofia Bondioli

Doctor of Laws

A graduate in Law, I wrote my thesis in Sociology of Law on the topic of the protection of non-human animals, thus dedicating part of my studies to the intertwining of animal welfare, food law and environmental protection. For REFOOD I write articles for the web and social media.

Cesare De Virgilio Suglia

Physician spec. in Community Medicine,
Ph.D. in Public Health and Oncology

Human rights and environmental activist since well before I donned the white coat. For my profession I study the prevention and treatment of the most prevalent chronic diseases, especially delving into the issues of nutrition and the impact of pollution, lifestyle and social inequalities on human health. For REFOOD, I am in charge of in-depth scientific publications related to nutrition and the environmental impact of food

Giada Guidi

Doctor of Dietetics

Libero professionista, mi occupo di nutrizione clinica da quasi 25 anni. Ho conseguito il Master in Alimentazione e Dietetica Vegetariana e sono consulente della Gastroenterologia Universitaria dell’Università di Pisa per l’attività di ricerca che ha portato alla produzione di lavori scientifici, molti dei quali sull’alimentazione plant-based. Svolgo docenze presso scuole di cucina vegetariana e aiuto le persone a seguire un’alimentazione vegetale sana e bilanciata, grazie anche alla divulgazione quotidiana sui social network. For REFOOD I am a scientific consultant for nutrition.

Martina Mastrodomenico

Sustainability consultant

I am a member of the Register of Practicing Lawyers of the Rome Bar Association.
I have earned two Level II Master’s degrees in “Food Law” and Environmental Law, respectively.
I am currently pursuing a professional master’s degree in Corporate Sustainability Strategy and do consulting work in the field of sustainability.
For REFOOD, I am in charge of writing articles for web and social.

Rosamaria Provenzale

Researcher in mycology

A researcher at the University of Florence, I am working on the development of an innovative process for the production of mycoproteins. I hold a master’s degree in Biotechnology for the Bioeconomy from the University of Milan. A passion for microbiology and a desire to contribute to the transformation of the current food system led me to Wageningen University Research for my thesis, there I spent 8 months studying the mycelium of Basidiomycetes as an alternative protein source, with a special focus on the use of agro-food waste for their cultivation. During my academic journey, I delved into the field of alternative proteins both through courses and extracurricular experiences and by actively participating in associations such as the Wageningen Alternative Protein Project, an initiative of the Good Food Institute. I currently serve on the board of directors of Agricoltura Cellulare Italia.

Join us

We build the future together: become part of the change

Your passion and skills can make a difference. Our volunteers are essential to spreading the message and promoting the change we want to see in the world. You can help us in a variety of ways, including:

  • Article writing: help us create content that informs, educates and inspires people to make more ethical and sustainable food choices.
  • Social media graphics: if you have design talent, you can help make our visual messages more appealing and impactful on social media.
  • Video editing: If you are skilled in video editing, you can help tell our story in an engaging and dynamic way.

Ciao, come tell us about you!

Joining our project is easy: just fill out the form below.
We’ll be happy to meet you and find out how we can work together.
Once you fill out the form, we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss how you can help build a better, future-proof food system.

Together we can create real impact by rethinking our eating habits and promoting a healthier and more sustainable food model.
With your participation, we can accelerate the cultural change needed for a future where food is a source of health and well-being while respecting our planet.

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